Saturday, January 10, 2009

low cost supplementary foods for infants and children

Summary Supplementary foods suited for weaning and feeding of infants were developed, using locally available foods in Punjab. Methods of cooking employed were those used commonly by low and middle income families. Cereal-pulse combinations along with some sesame seed and groundnuts were used to enhance the protein quality. The ratio used was such that the preparation did not deviate much from the accepted tastes of the population. Fresh green vegetables were also used. Fifteen recipes were standardized and acceptability trials carried out with mothers and infants of the different socio-economic groups. The preparations were highly accepted by all. Analysis of these were done for protein, calories, vitamin C and iron to see their contribution to the diet. The cost per serving of each recipe for various age groups was worked out and it was observed that at a very low cost a substantial amount of the above nutrients could be given to the infants by including these preparations in their diets. Education of mothers in making these recipes will go a long way towards popularizing such formulations.
To Supplement or Not to Supplement
It is a known fact that vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients are essential to good health. If this world were perfect we would get all these nutrients from the food we eat on a daily basis. However, because this does not always happen, there are some convincing reasons to consider taking vitamin, mineral or micro-nutrient supplements.Vitamins can help us overcome our lifestyle problems. On the whole, we are not very responsible when it comes to healthy habits. Many people play with their lives by smoking, drinking alcohol to excess, not getting adequate exercise or sleep, making poor choices in foods, and many other activities that lead to poor health. By taking vitamins every day, some of these negative effects may be counteracted.Women in particular have special vitamin needs related both to osteoporosis and pregnancy issues. Although men can also have osteoporosis, it tends to attack women more and cause them greater suffering. By supplementing with calcium on a daily basis, much of the risk for osteoporosis can be offset and some of the latest research is showing that vitamin D plays a significant role in the prevention of osteoporosis. For women who are pregnant or considering having children, folic acid is an essential supplement. This B vitamin can prevent birth defects such as Spina Bifida in newborn babies. Lastly for pre-menopausal women there is overwhelming research showing that a large percentage of the population is iron deficient.Men, too, have issues that can be fought through proper vitamin intake. Cardiovascular problems are thought to be reduced by taking vitamin E supplements. They are believed to play an important role in keeping the blood pressure and cholesterol levels low in most males aged forty and over. Keeping the arteries clean is an important factor in preventing heart attacks and vitamin E has been shown in research studies to accomplish this task.Dieters have special supplementation needs of their own. Many young girls diet on a regular basis and consume far too few calories to accommodate their vitamin needs. While the wisdom of going on particular weight loss diets is a topic for another discussion, anyone on such a diet should look to vitamin supplements to avoid malnutrition and other maladies. Inadequate nutrition can cause a person to be vulnerable to various ailments and a weakened immune system.Another great reason to consider vitamin supplementation is the potential cancer prevention some vitamins are believed to provide. Research has suggested that vitamin E and vitamin A prevent skin cancer. Many studies in recent years have found that other types of cancers may be similarly prevented by taking certain vitamins.

Diet For Diabetics - What Are the Foods to Avoid For Diabetics?

When the cells of the human pancreas don't generate insulin, it creates Diabetes mellitus. Actually, insulin is useful to split sugar into a form in blood that the body can efficiently store and apply to produce energy later. This disease compels you to include diet for diabetics forget some foods and it demands your diet to be something that is high in soluble fibers and low in saturated fats. A doctor can suggest foods to avoid for diabetics and consume less carbohydrate products because it might contain high glycemic index.The rapid increase of this disease has pressed food, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies to make products considering the need of such patients. It's also true that the doctors often prescribe not to buy such products at random and the products are often very costly as well. Such products might contain more fats and may be that the products just don't have anything that can help you to cure diabetesIf you want to keep your blood glucose levels in control, a slight change in your food habit can be the best option.Being a new patient of this disease, doctor may advice you to collaborate with a dietitian or nutritionist, who can endow you with a proper diabetic meal plan as well as snack plan. You might need to calculate your carbohydrates by pointing out your eating of sugary or starchy foods.Then, you have to adopt a plan of diet for diabetics as new food habit. The prescription usually suggests the consumption of whole grains and starchy vegetables as the main part of your meal. It demands you to eat a minimum of two servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.The prescription then states to have proteins available in lean meat, legumes, and cheese. You must consume them in smaller quantities. Adding of slight amount of non-fat or low-fat dairy items is fine but it shouldn't cross the limit for it has fats and sugars listed under foods to avoid for diabetics.This is a general prescription. To have a perfect diet for your diabetic case, please consult with a dietitian or nutritionist. Try to consume proper foods to lower high blood sugar but you must also be aware enough to keep on hand the list of very salty foods to avoid for diabetics. This is so because high blood pressure along with high blood sugar is something common in such patients. Not only consumption of fats causes high blood pressure, sodium is largely responsible for this. To avoid this problem, either lessen the salt in your food or buy non-sodium or low sodium salt replacements. Also, avoid foods like crackers, chips, processed or conserved meet products, or canned foods like sardines or soups because they contain extra sodium and salt.Fats can be really harmful. Cardiovascular diseases often follow diabetic cases. So, avoid dairy products, solid vegetable fats, and butter because they have saturated fats. Before chicken preparation, get the skin off. Also, strive to avoid butter and margarine. Oils obtain from canola or olive can be good for lowering elevated blood sugar levels.It is suggestive to choose the diets for diabetics such as skimmed, low-fat, or non-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt than full cream products. It is strictly forbidden foods to avoid for diabetics with fried foods and rather boil and bake or simply broil it.Alcoholic products are not good in such cases. Such food habit is not really difficult provided you have the patience to change.